Jack Johnson #1: Kevin McPherson

“Hello boys, glad to have you on the case,” Kevin said as he handed a slim file to Pete. Pete started leafing through it as Kevin continued. “This has been giving me a headache, and I don’t have time to track down missing rings with everything else going on in this city.” He was from Kentucky and spoke like he had a dip in his mouth. Jack had never been able to fully decide if he did, or if years of chewing had permanently left their mark on his voice. Standing with one hand on his hip, Jack thought Kevin looked like a hick in spite of his uniform and military haircut. Maybe it was just the accent. 

Jack motioned for Kevin to sit in one of the two armchairs. “Not a problem, Kevin, it is what we are here for.” Kevin stiffly lowered himself down. Jack took the file from Pete and leafed through it. There were several people he didn’t recognize. “Who is the nurse?” He asked, holding up a picture. She was a beautiful blonde. Midwest written all over her. 

“A real sweet gal from Oklahoma. She did her schooling here, and got connected to the lady right after graduation. The lady thinks the gal did it,” here Kevin lowered his voice to a whisper. “But just between us, I think the old lady lost it.” Kevin shrugged. He had seen it before. He had seen everything before. Jack had yet to see him surprised by an investigation’s findings. 

Jack knew that Kevin thought they were wasting time on a case like this, but it was the only case Jack and Pete had had for a few weeks, and they needed the money. The case file said nothing about a reward, and the client hadn’t mentioned a sum, either. Maybe he’d clear that up at four. Maybe he’d just send her an invoice when this was all over, with his usual rates. Maybe she’d pay it. 

“Interesting theory, sir. Is there a picture of the ring?” Pete asked, trying to look over Jack’s shoulder.

“Yeah, the lady just got it appraised, and there should be a picture in the file.” Kevin waved his hand as if to summon that photo to the top of the file. Jack found it and handed it to Pete as Kevin continued. “It sure is pretty, that’s for sure.” Kevin refolded his hands over his belt buckle. “Been in the family for close to a century or so I think.” Pete nodded his agreement, committing the image to memory. 

“Interesting.” Jack offered a cigar to the officer, but he refused. 

“Anytime I’m not in uniform, Jack.”

“Fair enough. Maybe sometime we can enjoy a cigar and some whiskey,” Jack offered as he lit his own cigar. “I need an excuse to buy the good stuff.”

“I’d love to. But,” Kevin slapped his knee and began standing up. “I need to skedaddle now, boys. Lots of work at the station.” He stood once again, hands on hips, and said goodbye the only way he knew how. “I’ll be checking up on you two.” He paused in the doorway to add, “Good luck.”

“Thanks, Kevin.” Jack knew that this checking up was a sign of respect, because he had heard Kevin say it a thousand times to his department. Jack was thankful that Kevin saw him as a professional, even if that was a professional under his jurisdiction.

Pete waited until the front door shut and Kevin was completely out of earshot of the office. “Jack, there’s not much here.”

Jack nodded, rubbing his temples. “I know. I don’t know what the payout is, but we need to take this case, Pete.”

“That’s what I figured,” Pete sighed. “Whatever I can do to help, count me in.”

“Great,” Jack said while slinging his coat on. “Let’s come up with a plan over lunch.”

Jack led the way out of his office and down a short beige hall, stopping at the curved desk that forced entrants to stop and say hi to Pete, so that he could direct them. Their waiting room wasn’t much of a waiting room, just a lone settee and a coffee table. Pete made sure to keep a fresh pot brewed, just in case. Jack waited for Pete to grab his coat before they both walked out into the main hallway of the building. It was an older building. Not old enough to be hip and trendy, just old enough to be economical. And lend Jack’s practice the air of established mystery that helped bring in clients in the early days when he was referred to as ‘the kid’. Here, an elevator brought them down two levels to the main lobby, and Jack checked their mail before the pair of them headed out into the cold, gray, Denver afternoon. 

It had been misting for about an hour now, but would probably be sunny and hot later in the afternoon. Spring in Colorado was a hard season to plan for. Jack and Pete didn’t bother taking their cars. There was a small strip mall just a block away with a sandwich shop that they frequented when they had cases. It was a busy enough establishment that the food was alright, but not so busy that they had to worry about eavesdroppers. 

Neither of them spoke on the walk. Jack sheltered the file under his trench coat. They walked at a leisurely pace, not worried about the mist turning into a downpour. By the time they made it to the shop, the moisture had dissipated and the sun was out in full force. Jack eyed some faraway clouds with suspicion but was happy for the chance to sit outside. 

The shop was full on the inside, but no one was sitting under any of the umbrella-topped tables outside. Pete and Jack went through the line slowly. Once they paid for their orders, Jack motioned for the door and Pete followed. Now seated with their sandwiches, Jack started in again. “Alright. This is going to take a lot of research, Pete. I’ll take Mrs. Cummings and the nurse, and then check in on the crime scene. I want you to dig up as much as you can on Eric and Amanda.”

“Got it, bro,” Pete agreed, mid-bite. 

Jack shook his head. “I’ll be going to the Iliff house this afternoon. We should meet up after that.”

“Sure thing. Just give me a call.” Pete took another bite before asking, “Does that mean you’ll be out of the office this afternoon?”

“I don’t know,” Jack answered. “I’m going to head down to the Clerk’s Office to get started researching.”

“Okay.” Pete watched as Jack stood up and cleared his seat. As soon as he swallowed his last bite, he called out, “See you later!” and hurriedly headed out as well. 


Jack Johnson #1: The File


Jack Johnson #1: Tale of Two Rings