My First Course Starts TOMORROW!

I didn’t think I could start my program until January, but I found out this weekend that I could register for classes for this fall and my first course starts tomorrow!

I’m not actually going to be in a lecture hall or physical classroom, but I’ve changed my laptop background to a picture like this so I could feel like I was in a class. This first course is the Investigative Process, and looking ahead at the next five weeks I already know I’m going to learn so much. It looks like we’ll be looking at a new case each week, as well as the processes and issues that pertain to that kind of case.

Like I said in my last post, I have been waiting for this day. Except, I did think I would be deciding between an MLitt and an MFA, nowhere on my radar was a Master’s of Science. Let alone criminal justice. But life happens and plans change.
While I can’t just give you all of my course materials (copyright violation!), I can share how what I am learning is changing me, my writing, and my future goals. The plan is to post chapters of my WIP, but not each book in the Jack Johnson series is 52 chapters long, so I’ll be interspersing those with criminal justice issues I’m learning about and relevant news on criminal justice issues. I think it will be really helpful to have this blog as an outlet for processing what I’m learning in class.


Jack Johnson Mystery Series


On Sunday I Applied to Grad School